Janani + Mitesh
Janani and Mitesh’s pregnancy announcement radiates warmth and joy, perfectly set against the backdrop of their brand-new Austin home. The photos capture their genuine excitement as they prepare to welcome a new chapter into their lives. With sunlight streaming through the large windows and the cozy charm of their modern interiors, the setting beautifully mirrors the fresh beginnings they’re celebrating. Each shot is filled with laughter, tender glances, and subtle touches of anticipation, making their home the heart of the story and a symbol of where their journey as parents begins. It’s a moment of pure happiness, lovingly preserved in the space where so many cherished memories are yet to be made.
Duis ornare placerat faucibus. Sed vitae urna sem. Suspendisse quis sapien lorem. Maecenas pretium, dolor non facilisis consequat, velit metus vulputate diam, sit amet semper purus dolor a turpis. Cras faucibus ante sed massa rutrum tristique. Suspendisse vel enim hendrerit, iaculis tortor sed, pulvinar augue. Nam rutrum, quam nec pretium tempor, nulla turpis bibendum massa, eu consectetur urna velit vitae risus. Duis sed orci suscipit, maximus lacus quis, ullamcorper ex. Aenean sed pulvinar sapien. Etiam facilisis ante nulla, eleifend molestie dolor rhoncus quis. Donec venenatis eu odio ac rhoncus. Nam erat nulla, ullamcorper quis porttitor sed, ullamcorper ut erat. Proin id aliquam purus, eu accumsan ante. Maecenas auctor suscipit vehicula. Mauris non libero risus.